Youth is an important asset for any nation and plays a vital role in nation building. However, the disruptions and negative environment (drugs, misuse of social media and likes) are causing a serious problem for the youth of the nation. Sunny Trust has been playing a vital role in rehab activities for youth since 1992. Ms Saman Sunny, Director rehabilitation at Sunny Trust was invited as a panelist to attend the session and have a talk with the youngsters at Ripha University on November 3, 2021.

Ms. Sunny elaborated the audience that Youth is not only the vital source of state but also a change agent. They are the evolver of social, economic, political and cultural transformation and the driving force for change. United Nations has assumed that the people with the age group 15-24 years are only youths. She elaborated the role played by Sunny Trust during last 29 years for youth in the field of Addiction treatment and rehabilitation.

Other panelists discussed that the youths play a vital role in the constructive process of building social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in a nation in an inclusive and democratic way. The involvement of youths in the nation building process is a must as they play one of the most important roles. Hence, youths are ultimately the social actors of change and process. Youth can work forth for the nation in every possible way; they can stay and create employment themselves with the skills they possess than going to abroad and seeking for job opportunities there. It can bring the youths in the forefront of national development with some proper guidance and direction. The youths have dreams, hopes and passions.

They yearn to achieve something great in life. They have gushing enthusiasm which has to be regulated and utilized in the right way. Afterall, people can exercise their full potential when they are young and energetic. So, youth force in every country is dynamic, creative and optimistic. If we study the scenario at the global level, every developing country across the world can achieve economic progress through the use of their mental and physical power for making quality of life of the people. In order to make the country prosperous, we have to create opportunities for children and youth in which they can feel free to get quality education, learn skills for making the desired level of changes in their economic and social sectors. If the government of Pakistan succeeds to achieve it in time, there is no doubt that the most active, energetic and dynamic group can use their potential to make a flourishing Pakistan. For this, education is the most important tool. Quality and equal education for all to make the coming youths more professional and skill oriented ought to be guaranteed by the government. The bitter fact is unless we are using the physical power of youths, no country can go ahead. It is high time to export services than to import them. And for this purpose, all youths must join hand in hand to make a joint effort for a positive impact.