Monday - Sunday
08 AM to 08 PM
+92 301 8666 434
+92 305 8666 434

About Sunny Trust

Sunny Trust (ST) is a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian non-governmental organization devoted to drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation.

Sunny Trust, a registered trust with PCP; IHRA having Ecosoc status, UN, New York, was established in 1992. Our aim is to provide quality treatment to clients, suffering from mental vulnerabilities and drug addiction. ST overall treatment protocol is based on four major aspects of one’s life including Physical, Psychological, Spiritual and Social. Doctors and counselors in rehab centers help patients make goals for themselves. We have 50-beds facility at our center; only male patients are admitted to this treatment & rehabilitation centre. ST has actively participated and contributed to the community around, National and International conferences, trainings, forums etc. ST as Colombo Plan Trainer, TOT, Resource person for addiction professionals and curricula review adoption of innovation and internationally best practices for targeting youth awareness.


- To establish therapeutic communities
- To reintegrate them into society
- To enable them to lead productive lives
- Emphasis on prevention programs

To be one of the most innovative, accessible & effective NGO responding to the needs of persons with substance abuse & psychological problems.

• Honesty
• Openness
• Transparency
• Integrity
• Mutual Help

We are PCP Certified, non-profit, NGO organizations.





Raised Funds




We are here
to help you.

We are here to help you and your loved ones to get rid of Drugs & mental disorders.

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